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[굿아이디어] 상징성을 절묘하게 숨긴 창의적인 로고들(1)

by 변리사 허성원 2012. 9. 13.

30 Clever Logos With Hidden Symbolism  

1. Circus of Magazines

Circus tent looks like a magazine (more like a book to me, but still very clever). (Designer:logotomy)

서커스 텐트(혹은 책자 모티브)

2. Backspace

Just looking at the logo makes you want to press “backspace” and correct the typo. (Designer:JoePrince)

백스페이스를 누르고 싶은 충동을 느끼게 하는 로고

3. Barcode

Notice that the word “bar” is darker. (Designer: Sean Heisler)

'Bar'가 진하게 표시되어 있다. 바의 이름이 바코드.

4. To beat or not to beat?

The question mark is made of a belt.

벨트로 물음표를..

5. Bipolar

The Logo depicts ambiguous emotions. (Designer:Siah Design)

애매함을 나타내는 이모티콘. Bipolar가 쌍극 혹은 양극을 의미.

6. Bird

Letter “B” is also a bird. (Designer: Peter Varsvali)

Bird의 'B'를 절묘하게 새 형상으로..

7. Cafe Click

Coffee steam is made of mouse pointers (Designer:Leo)

커피의 증기를 마우스의 포인터 형상으로.. 

8. Amazon

The arrow from A to Z, symbolizes what Amazon is known for selling everything from “a to z” . It also serves as a smile, making the company feel friendly and approachable.

화살표가 a에서 z까지. 동시에 스마일을 표시.

9. City Direct

“Notice how the space around the plane forms the letters C and D.” (Tobias) (Designer:Logomotive)

비행기 모양 전후의 검은 색 여백이 문자 C와 D를 나타낸다.

10. Elefont

There’s an elephant trunk inside the letter “e”. (Designer:m1sternoname)

문자 'e' 내부에 코끼리의 코.

11. Formula 1

Empty space in the middle creates a number “1″ for “Formula 1″

12. Families

Those 3 letters in the middle ‘i’, ‘l’, and second ‘i’ represent a family (father, mother and a child, or 2 fathers and a child in some countries).

'i'와 'l'을 자세히 볼 것. 어른과 애들을 표시.

13. F*ck!

A bit provocative logo against nazism and racism. (Designer:Karl Design)

나치즘과 인종차별에 반대하는 다소 도발적인 로고.

14. FedEx

If you look closer you’ll notice the right-pointing arrow in between the ‘E’ and the ‘x’, representing precision and speed at which FedEx works.

Update: Anyone else see the spoon in “Fed” of Fedex? (@lissnup)

'E'와 'x' 사이에 신속성과 정확성을 나타내는 화살표가 들어있다.

15. Half

(Designer: wunjo)


16. Iron Duck

A hanger looks like a duck. (Designer:Siah Design)

오리를 닮은 옷걸이

17. Yoga Australia

Woman is making a pose that forms the Australian continent between her leg and her arm.

'요가 오스트랄리아'. 오스트랄리아 지도가 보이는가?

18. Killed Productions

Letter “i” is lying as if it was killed. (Designer:Ethereal)

'Killed'의 뜻에 맞게 'i'가 죽어있다.

19. Mosleep

Mosleep is an organization of doctors that deals with people having sleeping disorders. The logo is their intial ‘M’ that was designed to also look like a bed. (Designer:Muamer)

'Mosleep'은 불면증 관련 의사들의 협회이다. 그래서 두음 M을 침대형상으로..

20. Mr.Cutts

The scissors are transformed to look like a face with glasses and mustache. (Designer:Tabitha Kristen)

이발관. 가위를 이용하여 안경쓴 콧수염 얼굴을 상징.

21. NBC

There’s a hidden peacock looking to the right representing the company’s motto to look forward, and not back.

오른쪽을 보고 있는 공작새가 숨어있다. 즐거운 마음으로 기다린다는 회사의 모토를 암시.

22. Pencil

Letters “i” and “l” form a pencil. (Designer:reghardt)


23. Push The Bottle

You can see a hand pushing a button inside the bottle. (Designer:Hemisferiod)

'PUSH'의 의미를 손가락으로 버턴을 누르는 모습으로 병속에 숨겼다.

24. Shocked

The socket’s expression says it all. (Designer:Fogra)


25. Sushi

Letter “H” looks like chopsticks picking a sushi. (Designer:Type08)

스시와 젓가락.

26. Threesome

27. Twins

Letter “N” looks like number 2, symbolizing twins. (Designer:Actiondesigner)

N자를 2로 형상화. 쌍둥이니까..

28. Up

An arrow showing up forms a letter “u” and also has a hidden “p” inside. (Designer:m1sternoname)

'UP'의 'U'와 'P'가 화살표에 교묘히 조합.

29. Wine Searcher

It looks like eyeglasses binoculars and bottles of wine at the same time.  (Designer:Itsgareth)

'와인 찾아주는 사람'. 안경(망원경) 형상과 와인병을 절묘히 조합.

30. Zip


