삼성, 소니, 애플 등을 제치고 소비자 기술브랜드 선호도 최고!
미국과 유럽의 소비자 6천명을 대상으로 조사한 결과인 ConsumerMetrix Technology Brand Preference Index에 따르면,
삼성의 기술브랜드 선호도가 소니, HP 및 애플을 제치고 단연 1위.
성적을 보면, 삼성 +41%, 소니 +29%, HP+20%, 애플 +19%.
최하위는 Lenovo -37%, Rim -28%, 산요 -26%.
이 결과는 응답자가 기술 제품을 구입할 때 20개의 글로벌 브랜드 중 어느 것을 선택할 것인가에 대해 응답한 것을 정리한 것.
Strategy Analytics: Samsung Leads Sony, HP and Apple in Technology Brand Preference
Strategy Analytics: Samsung Leads Sony, HP and Apple in Technology Brand Preference Business Wire BOSTON -- June 06, 2012 Samsung is the most preferred consumer technology brand, ahead of Sony, HP and Apple, according to ConsumerMetrix Technology Brand Preference Index just released by Strategy Analytics. In a survey of more than six thousand consumers in the US and Europe, “Technology Brand Preferences,” Samsung received the highest overall preference rating of +41 percent, followed by Sony at +29 percent, HP at +20 percent and Apple at +19 percent. The lowest brand preference ratings were given to Lenovo (-37 percent), RIM (Blackberry) (-28 percent) and Sanyo(-26 percent). Respondents were asked to consider how likely they would be to choose each of more than twenty global brands when buying technology products such as computers, mobile phones and TVs. The study identified significant regional and demographic variations in brand preference. Apple is the third most preferred brand in Italy but ranks only eighth in Germany. Apple’s popularity also diminishes in line with age: it is the second most popular brand with under-20s but ranks only tenth with over-65s. “Samsung has made a remarkable journey from no-name brand to global leader in less than 15 years,” says David Mercer, Principal Analyst and the report’s author. “In contrast to many of its competitors, Samsung’s popularity shows unusual consistency across geography, age and income groups and this suggests the company has a broad and balanced marketing strategy.” Jia Wu, Director, Connected Devices research, comments: “In spite of its significant financial losses in its Consumer Electronics segment, Sony still has strong brand equity, which could serve as one of its greatest assets for a potential turnaround.” The chart, “ConsumerMetrix Technology Brand Preference,” may be found at: Note: Strategy Analytics conducted an online survey, the 2012 ConsumerMetrix Survey fielded in March 2012. The sample consisted of n=2038 individuals in the US and n=3996 in Europe ages 15-74 years. Strategy Analytics weighted the data by country, age, gender and internet use to represent the US and European populations of internet users, respectively. About Strategy Analytics Strategy Analytics, Inc. provides timely and actionable market intelligence focused on opportunities and disruptive forces in the areas of emerging technology, communications and media. For more information, please visit
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