애플은 1분기 순이익 116억불을 올리는 어마어마한 실적을 달성.
순이익은 삼성의 2배.
스마트폰 만매량은 3천510만대.
역시 괴물이다.
노키아는 17억불 적자 기록.
지난 분기에 비해 27% 감소.
판매대수는 지난 11년 4분기 1억8천5백만대에서 이번 분기 8천2백7ㅣ만대로..
Nokia reports $1.7 billion loss, "challenging" market for new Windows Phone 7 Lumia
[120430 BGR 포스트 추가]
정말 해도해도 너무하다.
아무리 비즈니스 세계가 승자독식의 냉혹하다고 하지만..
올해 1분기 휴대폰 시장의 모든 이익을 애플과 삼성이 모두 가져가 버렸다.
애플이 80%, 삼성이 나머지 20%.
노키아, 모토로라, LG, 화웨이 등 나머지 회사들의 익은 모두 합해서 결국 제로썸. 즉 소폭 이익을 보거나 적자.
Apple and Samsung each reported record first-quarter results last week and according to research conducted by one analyst, the companies combined to account for all mobile industry profits last quarter. Apple last week reported $11.6 billion in profit on $39.2 billion in sales, both second fiscal quarter records for Apple, and Samsung managed a best-ever profit of $4.5 billion in the same quarter, $3.9 billion of which came from its IT & Mobile Communications business.
Read on for more.
According to Raymond James analyst Tavis McCourt, Apple accounted for a staggering 80% of all mobile industry profits last quarter and Samsung was responsible for the remaining 20%. The two companies also combined to take in about 74% of the handset industry’s revenue, McCourt said.
“It is getting increasingly hard to understand where the rest of the device vendors will get the capital to fund necessary R&D and sales and marketing investments to continue to compete with Apple and Samsung,” the analyst wrote in a recent note to investors.
“With essentially all of the other hardware vendors besides Apple and Samsung struggling to find profits to reinvest into R&D, Microsoft and Google have to be wondering who their hardware partners will ultimately be,” McCourt continued. “Neither wants to be in a position where they have to take on more of the R&D burden, and neither want to have to initiate bidding wars to give Samsung an incentive to focus on its platform. Our assumption is that both Huaweii and ZTE will be courted heavily over the next few quarters by both Microsoft and Google as they look to strengthen their stable of sustainable hardware partners.”
UBS analyst Maynard Um previously
[120616 월스트리트저널 챠트 추가]
이제 노키아의 추락은 걷잡을 수 없는 듯.
시장은 노키아를 포기하는 추세.
시가총액은 10조원이하.
애플의 아이폰 출시한지 5년도 안돼 1/10 이하로 급전직하.
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