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애플, 특허괴물 Brandywine에게 제소 당하다.

by 변리사 허성원 2012. 2. 23.
음성 메일에 관한 특허 2건으로..

"사나운 강아지 콧잔등 성할 날 없다"라는 말이 떠오릅니다.
Brandywine이 주장하는 2개의 특허는..
US 5,719,922호 및 6,236,717호.

US 5,719,922호의 핵심 클레임 :

Claim 6: A method for providing associated audio and data messages transmitted simultaneously to a user, the method comprising the steps of:

instructing an answering machine to retrieve a message; 
detecting a field associated with an audio message of the message; 
retrieving a message identifier from the field; 
retrieving a data message stored in a data terminal equipment as a function of the message identifier; and 
Communicating both the data message and the audio message to a user.

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