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[관심특허] 애플의 'Rubber Banding'(스크롤 바운싱, 바운스백) 특허

by 변리사 허성원 2012. 10. 12.

WSJ 121007 기사



PATENT #7,469,381


List scrolling and document translation, scaling, and rotation on a touch-screen display.

Pre-existing Patents

This patent was not rejected, but an analysis of granted patents by M-CAM, a patent advisory firm, shows that some similar pre-existing patents could have been considered by the patent office.

Microsoft #6,141,018

Offers "sophisticated animation" for scrolling text or images on the Web, such as bounce scrolling.

Philips #7,152,210

User browses images by scrolling; speed of scroll varies with input and can shift to simulate inertia and friction.

Hewlett-Packard #7,193,616

Allows handwriting on a page larger than the device; screen pans down one line when line’s end is reached.


** 121023 보충

Reexamination에서 무효화.

Patent office tentatively invalidates Apple's rubber-banding patent used in Samsung trial 


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