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[애플] 다중촬영 발명

by 변리사 허성원 2018. 5. 25.

다중촬영 발명


- 애플, 2018. 5. 10. 공개, 2018. 1. 5. 출원

- 요지

      복수의 카메라

      줌 등의 조건을 상이하게 하여 복수의 영상을 동시에 촬영

- Claim
1. A non-transitory computer readable storage medium storing one or more programs configured to be executed by one or more processors of an electronic device with a first camera, a second camera, and a display, the one ore more programs including instructions for: displaying, in a first portion of a display, a first digital viewfinder, the first digital viewfinder displaying content from the first camera; displaying, in a second portion of the display, a second digital viewfinder, the second digital viewfinder displaying content from the second camera; detecting a first input representing an instruction to zoom the first digital viewfinder; in response to detecting the first input, zooming the first digital viewfinder independently of the second digital viewfinder; detecting a second input representing an instruction to freeze the first digital viewfinder; and in response to detecting the second input, freezing the first digital viewfinder independently of the second digital viewfinder. 

[명세서 전문]